Discovering connections by asking the right questions at the right time and thus initiate a change of perspective for the future.
I support people to become the most coherent version of themselves. Have you lost the lightness in your life & job and want to find it back? Do you know your intrinsic motivation? Do you sometimes feel like a punching ball and would like to have agency more often? Do you fear burnout? Which letter to your life you will end up writing?
Benefit from my many years of leadership experience and field-tested tools and methods. Use my transformation experience for your own transformation.
Wish it. Dream it. Do it.
- Unfold your potential: understand your own value, strengthen your strengths, take off.
- Self-leadership with the systemic approach "Internal Family Systems".
- Team coaching: Agree intrinsic motivation of team members with their work assignments.
- Coaching for the virtual world: Proactively Designing Virtual Leadership and Virtual Collaboration
- Communication coaching: Choosing communication elements wisely and according to the situation.
- Leading with the brain in mind: Ensuring psychological safety in your own area of responsibility
- Leadership coaching: Empowering people to be the best leader they can be.
- Improv in business: training new ways of doing things in role play.
Self-leadership with the systemic approach "Internal Family System (IFS)".
Listen now to the podcast on leadership with the systemic approach “Internal Family Systems”:
The podcast interview is in german.
Coaching Sessions
Book a non-binding get-to-know session or a regular coaching session now.
What my customers say
- Business & Personal Coaching ICF PCC Accredited Training
- 8 years of qualified experience in coaching with the systemic "Inner Family Systems" approach
- 10 years virtual leadership experience with large international businesses
- 25 years senior management and consulting experience
- 35 years dealing with continuous change
Seeing clearly - near and far.
with the systemic approach “Inner Family Systems”
understanding your own worth, enhancing strengths,
taking off
Matching intrinsic motivation of team members with their work assignments
Coaching for the
Virtual World:
Proactively designing
virtual leadership and
virtual cooperation
Communication Coaching: Choose communication elements wisely and appropriate to the situation
Brain in Mind:
ensuring psychological safety in one’s own area of responsibility
Leadership Coaching:
enabling people to be
the best leader
they can be
Improv in Business:
Learning new approaches via role play
- Business & Personal Coaching Ausbildung (ICF PPC akkreditiert)
- 8 Jahre Coaching Erfahrung mit dem systemischen Ansatz "System der Inneren Familie"
- 10 Jahre virtuelle Führungserfahrung in großen internationalen Unternehmen
- 25 Jahre Erfahrung im Senior Management und in der Beratung
- 35 Jahre Umgang mit ständigem Wandel
Klar sehen – nah und fern.
mit dem systemischen Ansatz
„System der Inneren Familie“
Jetzt Podcast-Interview hören
Potential entfalten:
den eigenen Wert verstehen,
Stärken stärken, Durchstarten
Intrinsische Motivation der Teammitglieder mit ihren Arbeitseinsätzen vereinbaren
Coaching für die virtuelle Welt: Virtuelles Führen und
virtuelle Zusammenarbeit
proaktiv gestalten
Kommunikationselemente situationsgerecht und
klug wählen
Psychologische Sicherheit im eigenen Verantwortungsbereich gewährleisten
Menschen befähigen,
die beste Führungskraft zu sein,
die sie sein können.
im Business:
Trainieren von neuen
Vorgehensweisen im Rollenspiel